It’s important to have healthy online practices regarding your passwords. Using the name of your dog all over the place is quite dangerous as you would risk to get hacked in no time. For this particular reason, it’s generally advised that you use a password generator. I’ve never been a fan of generated random passwords:
I found a compromise between security and convenience is using a pattern.
This is the solution I still use to this day even with modern password wallets (like the excellent Proton Pass).
It is as simple as a concatenation of the same elements for each password, with the name of the site. Except you have to make it strong.
For example, consider the following pattern: “1987name of the site in spongebob case
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻”.
You would have “1987AmAzOn(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻”, or “1987IcLoUd(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻”
Sure this isn’t perfect because anyone figuring out this pattern could find out all of your passwords, but this scenario happens mostly on targeted attacks. And I feel you can’t really do much against targeted attacks anyways if the attacker is motivated enough.
This is acceptable, I think
These passwords, I only type them once generally: when creating the account. Then Proton Pass takes over and fills the inputs for me.
BUT, I’m too lazy to type them.
I needed some kind of password generator but custom to my needs.
I’m lazy, sue me. No, don’t, plz.
Why not ? Thanks to ChatGPT, I am now a true bash kung fu master™️.